Friday, March 13, 2009

Poisonous Plants

This is a really informative video from the ASPCA. I didn't realize there were so many plants that are poisonous to my pets. They also provide photos of the plants. Which is very helpful.

add to kirtsy


Anonymous said...

This is an honor. I have sent an email with the information you requested.

Thanks so much!!

- Teresa jane

Hit 40 said...

Love cats! I have 2. Nice info on poison plants.

The Muse said...

With all the "babies" we have...I sure appreciate this!

The Muse said...

dropping one was at home....

hope all is well ! :P)

Carly said...

That was a really informative video. Good thing you've posted that. I came across with this very fun application you might want to take a look wherein you can foster a dog either virtually or in real life:

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